Sonia Saikaley
Sonia Saikaley
Exciting New Award!
Book Review at the New York Journal of Books
Ottawa FACES Magazine Awards Nomination
I am very grateful
A lovely afternoon filled with books and readers
Butterflies of the Rice Fields shortlisted for the 2022 Guernica Prize for Literary Fiction
Samantha's Sandwich Stand makes it on the Radio
Full Circle Moment
Samantha's Sandwich Stand goes on Tour!
Something uplifting
Online Pre-Launch Party!
Poetry is in the air...
2021 Faces Magazine Ottawa Awards
Grazie, Lu, for everything!
An evening of poetry and music
2020 Ottawa Book Awards - What an amazing evening!
What a lovely surprise!
A Valentine's Day Interview with Anita Kushwaha
Afternoon Baklava
New Year, New Decade
Carving Images
A November Afternoon with Artisans
Books, chocolates and gratitude
A beautiful autumn afternoon with a beautiful book club!
The Miramichi Reader reviews "The Allspice Bath"
Reading from "The Allspice Bath" as part of the 2019 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campa
A wonderful book signing at Perfect Books
What a lovely evening!
Questions for Ancestors & notes to descendants
Dream, young ones
Celebrating my heritage
The little drummer at my book signing
Belly dancing at the Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Huge thanks!
A lovely shout-out for "The Allspice Bath"
Question-and-Answer about "The Allspice Bath"
The Allspice Bath has entered the world!
A lovely shout-out for "The Allspice Bath"
Blue Leather Shoes and other poems
Growing up
Anita Kushwaha's Book Launch for "Side by Side"
Soldier joins Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem Anthology
Poetry on a rainy night
The Lebanese Dishwasher
The Arabian Jasmine
Basil, Not the Spice
The Pink House Across the Road
My Time in Matsushima
Kibbeh nayeh meets Sushi
My Writing Day: Walking with my Characters